Key Gender Resources

Guidelines Whitney Fry Guidelines Whitney Fry

Integrating Gender into Environment Projects in Fragile and Conflict Settings (2022)

This World Bank blog discusses integrating gender into environmental projects in fragile and conflict-affected settings, using the example of Nigeria. The article emphasizes the importance of incorporating gender considerations in project design, implementation, and evaluation to enhance resilience and sustainability in such challenging contexts.

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Guidelines Whitney Fry Guidelines Whitney Fry

Inclusive Language Guide (2023)

This OXFAM resource provides guidelines on how to use inclusive language that respects diversity, avoids stereotypes, and ensures equitable representation of all genders. The resource aims to foster inclusive communication practices and contribute to a more respectful and gender-equitable discourse in various contexts.

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Research Whitney Fry Research Whitney Fry

OECD Gender Data Portal (n.d.)

The OECD Gender Data Portal showcases key indicators exposing gender disparities across education, employment, health, development, governance, digital, and energy sectors. It highlights the distance to gender equality, emphasizing areas requiring urgent action. Data spans OECD member nations and partner economies.

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Resource Hub Whitney Fry Resource Hub Whitney Fry

The SURGE Knowledge Hub (n.d.)

The SURGE knowledge hub provides a curated library of diverse resources related to gender equality in international development programming. It contains insights, case studies, and tools aimed at promoting gender inclusivity, addressing disparities, fostering equitable practices, and supporting informed decision-making in our practice.

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Resource Hub Whitney Fry Resource Hub Whitney Fry

South Asia Gender Innovation Lab (n.d.)

This link will take you to the World Bank’s South Asia Region Gender Innovation Lab's main page, which summarizes the Lab’s work and provides a searchable database of the Lab’s impact evaluations, reports, and briefs. Users can also access the other regional labs from this site.

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Resource Hub Whitney Fry Resource Hub Whitney Fry

SDG Indicators: Metadata Repository (n.d.)

The United Nations Statistics Division provides metadata for the Sustainable Development Goals. This resource offers information on indicators, methodologies, and definitions associated with Goal 5, enabling comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of progress toward achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

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Strategy Whitney Fry Strategy Whitney Fry

Strategy 2030: Responding to a Changing Asia and the Pacific (2023)

This Asian Development Bank (ADB) webpage links to operational plans for each of the ADB's priorities under Strategy 2030, including “Accelerating progress in gender equality.” The operational plans include expected activities, outcomes, and new opportunities. The page also provides a link to the ADB’s Gender and Development theme.

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Research Whitney Fry Research Whitney Fry

Workplaces: Worse for Women (2023)

The Global Health 50/50's sixth annual report delves into workplace policies' role in fostering equal opportunities, specifically addressing sexual and reproductive health and rights. The report evaluates gender-related policies of nearly 200 global health organizations. It encourages the global health community to lead by example, framing sexual and reproductive health and rights as a human rights issue central to women's leadership.

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