Key Gender Resources

Guidelines Whitney Fry Guidelines Whitney Fry

DAC Guidance for Development Partners (2022)

This handbook provides guidance for OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members and others on gender integration throughout the program cycle, and identifies opportunities to build support for funding gender equality programs across development and humanitarian sectors.

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Tool/Toolkit Whitney Fry Tool/Toolkit Whitney Fry

Gender Service Delivery Standards (2022)

This jhiepgo quality assurance tool outlines provides a framework for integrating gender considerations into service delivery, addressing the unique health needs of both men and women. The standards aim to enhance the equity, quality, and effectiveness of healthcare services globally.

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Strategy Whitney Fry Strategy Whitney Fry

Strategy 2030: Responding to a Changing Asia and the Pacific (2023)

This Asian Development Bank (ADB) webpage links to operational plans for each of the ADB's priorities under Strategy 2030, including “Accelerating progress in gender equality.” The operational plans include expected activities, outcomes, and new opportunities. The page also provides a link to the ADB’s Gender and Development theme.

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