Key Gender Resources

Research, Resource Hub Whitney Fry Research, Resource Hub Whitney Fry

Gender Data Portal (n.d.)

This World Bank data portal provides up-to-date gender statistics. Information is presented through engaging narratives and visualizations, enhancing comprehension of gender data and supporting analyses crucial for making informed policy decisions. Users can search the portal by topic, country, and indicators, as well as view data sources, data availability, and additional resources.

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Guidelines Whitney Fry Guidelines Whitney Fry

DAC Guidance for Development Partners (2022)

This handbook provides guidance for OECD Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members and others on gender integration throughout the program cycle, and identifies opportunities to build support for funding gender equality programs across development and humanitarian sectors.

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Resource Hub Whitney Fry Resource Hub Whitney Fry

SDG Indicators: Metadata Repository (n.d.)

The United Nations Statistics Division provides metadata for the Sustainable Development Goals. This resource offers information on indicators, methodologies, and definitions associated with Goal 5, enabling comprehensive monitoring and evaluation of progress toward achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls.

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