
A world where gender equality is realized.


The Chroma Collective works to increase gender equality by advancing the practice of gender mainstreaming within member organizations and across the broader gender ecosystem.

How Chroma Works

How Chroma Works

The Chroma Collective exists in a symbiotic, bidirectional relationship with its audience of member institutions and the broader gender ecosystem (e.g., existing and emerging gender-related networks, practitioners, researchers, and feminist or women-centered groups). Members bring their experience and organization’s tools and materials to the Collective to share, inspire, learn, and support one another in their individual gender mainstreaming efforts. Through that process, the members co-design innovative approaches and produce thought leadership content related to gender mainstreaming that will be disseminated back to their member institutions and the broader gender ecosystem.

Chroma’s Principles


To spur innovation and co-create more effective solutions, Chroma leverages the diversity of member organizations and participant perspectives, making space for all the voices in the room.


To create the environment for honest conversations in service of advancing the field, Chroma commits to creating a confidential and safe space where members can bravely share challenges and personal stories.


To create long-lasting relationships across the gender ecosystem that lead to greater impact, members exchange ideas and build on each other's strengths. By giving credit where it is due, Chroma elevates underrepresented voices.


To translate ideas into concrete actions and outputs, Chroma lets go of the need to over-intellectualize the problem and builds out versions of solutions in service of learning from them.


To overcome the toughest challenges and imagine new paths forward, Chroma members fervently believe the future they are building together is possible; members choose to address challenges rather than succumb to them.

Collective Accountability

To accelerate the path towards sustainable gender equality, Chroma members acknowledge their collective power and influence; members seek to leverage this power to drive positive change in the system.